

My name is Fran. I have a confession: I don’t own a bike and I’m not up to speed with how to use an SLR camera.

I bought a bridge camera (Panasonic Lumix FZ200, FYI) before visiting Cape Town last year, getting a recommendation from a friend (who is a bit more photography savvy than me!) on an easy-to-use camera that would be able to capture good snaps of the animals at a game reserve I planned to visit. Since then, I’ve been happy snapping whenever I go away anywhere.

I like to go away on weekends and explore new places. Hiring a bike when I get there always seems like the best way of seeing as much of the place as I can in the limited time that I’ll be there for.

a camera and a bike is my first attempt at sharing some of these photos with a wider audience, so I hope that you enjoy them!

Thanks for viewing!


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